Wylie and Zac, 10 Months

Posted By Cara Mendes  
14:00 PM

What advise would you offer new fathers, possibly very nervous with the transition into parenthood? What advice would you give in helping support your partner after birth?

Do what feels right for you and your partner and communicate that as much as you can beforehand. Don't put any excess pressure on yourself on how to be/act/feel. There's already way too much pressure and social expectations on parenting (obviously way, way, way, more for women) but men have them too. There is too much external pressure out there already, try to block it out because your situation is different to everyone else's. If breastfeeding is what you choose, then that's fine, and if you decide on formula instead, then that's cool also. It's really important to be on the same page and therefore work better as a parenting team. Talk openly about strategies and make decisions together. Be as supportive as you can be...remember, although you likely feel tired and run down, that probably pales in comparison to how they feel at that time.

Don't place any additional pressure on your partner for being a mum. They will receive more than their fair share of this before; during and after child birth and this will continue to be ongoing throughout parenthood. Try to share the load and arrange for both of you to have time away from your baby; even if it's only for a couple of hours (you love them more than life itself but that time away is golden). Try to have honest and open conversations to other parent's. Always remain hopeful but keep your expectations low! And lastly, feel free to ignore everything that I've said because I'm not an expert and this is only one person’s experience. You'll have your own.